Bruce is an amazing individual and a pleasure to work with. His intelligence is only surpassed by his ability to rise up to the challenge. During our work together Bruce was able to complete tasks that had been thought not possible by previous methods. It was great to work with him on projects, and I can only hope that I will have the chance again in the future.
Bruce is a business professional of the highest caliber, who meticulously analyses, develops and implements highly complex technical solutions. As a Programmer/Analyst under Bruce’s guidance, I rely on Bruce’s technical and business knowledge. Management, customers and support personnel praise his work.
Bruce is an innovative self-starter, who rarely needs supervision. During his time at Shelter Products Inc. he designed and managed completion of Shelter Product’s new enterprise software solution: Delivery Tracking System. This solution is designed to revolutionize the business process at Shelter Products. Thanks to Bruce’s superior business expertise, Delivery Tracking System has exceeded expectations. Management and the user community are extremely happy with the results.
Bruce is an invaluable asset to any organization, and I highly recommend hiring him.